WCAG 3.0
Text Alternatives

Methods for Text Alternatives

Decision tree

The approach to a text alternative depends on the type of image and how it is used.

The following decision tree is used to determine the appropriate method.

For each image:

  1. Would removing the image impact how people understand the page?

    1. No, see decorative images [stop]
    2. Yes, continue
  2. Can a concise and plain-text description provide an equivalent to the image?

    1. No, see complex images [stop]
    2. Yes, continue
  3. Is the image part of a control?

    1. Yes, see control images [stop]
    2. No, continue
  4. Are there multiple images which are all views of one object?

    1. Yes, see multiple images [stop]
    2. No, continue
  5. Does the image use another method of providing an alternative?

    1. Yes, see equivalent alternative text pass [stop]
    2. No, fail [stop]


Complex images


See More

Control images


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Equivalent alternative text


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Decorative images


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Multiple images


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